Internal Control Of Community Finance Institutions In Cambodia

Published By: | Published Date: April, 13 , 2007

The working paper offers a conceptual basis for action research on internal controls in community finance institutions (CFIs) in rural Cambodia. A CFI is defined as “an institution that specializes in delivering financial services and is owned and controlled by its members within a local community.” High illiteracy levels are a barrier to the rise of quality democratic institutions and quality financial services (especially savings) among hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest people. A related barrier is the reluctance of poor people to assert their rights – a reluctance compounded by functional illiteracy. The paper works within a shareholder rights framework to building institutions. It makes the case that practitioners must be much more aware of the control needs – and the information management needs -- of shareholders in predominantly oral societies. Given that awareness, it makes the case that REFLECT ‘literacy circles’ can be adapted effectively to improving the quality of CFIs.

Author(s): Brett Matthews | Posted on: Mar 31, 2005 | Views(2782) | Download (909)

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