A Framework for Understanding Climate Change Responsiveness of the Union Budget in India
Published By: CBGA | Published Date: September , 2017This paper discusses the significance of considering climate change responsiveness in the Union
Budget and what are the existing practices and gaps in documenting climate change financing in India.
It delves into various questions; how the Government of India's (GOI) schemes/programmes are aligned
with eight policy thrust areas de?ned under its National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC); and
how the various State Action Plans of Climate Change (SAPCC) prioritise climate change interventions
and present their climate financing framework? It also presents a comparison of the experience of
different countries on climate responsive budgeting and lessons learnt from adopting UNDP's
methodology for Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review (CPEIR). It lists the programmes/
schemes of various Union Ministries along with objectives/components/outcomes relevant for climate
change to understand the existing space for climate change prioritisation at the Union Budget level. [CBGA working paper]
Author(s): Jyotsna Goel | Posted on: Jun 21, 2018 | Views() | Download (342)