Implementation of the POCSO Act: Goals, Gaps and Challenges
Published By: HAQCRC on eSS | Published Date: 2018The study comes at a crucial time when key actors as well as the general
public would like to know more about how effective is the implementation of the main law protecting
children from sexual abuse. The study further confirms that a large majority of perpetrators of sexual offences against children are
known to the victim, and that a large majority of the victims are girls. In an interesting development,
the study analyses the low incidence of reported cases of sexual abuse against boys. Far from being
uncommon, social attitudes may result in sexual offences against boys not being perceived and treated
with the seriousness it deserves. In this context, it is imperative to conduct a careful and continuous
analysis of the obstacles to the reporting of sexual abuse by children as well as of the implications of
compulsory reporting in light of their best interest. It is essential to understand the specific obstacles
boys and girls may face when reporting sexual abuse from people known to them and the tremendous
social stigma and feelings of shame and guilt that most of the victims experience.
The lack of required support to the victims, once a case is reported, in terms of legal representation and
appointment of a support person raises important questions about the responsiveness of the justice
system in sensitive sexual abuse cases. [HAQCRC]
Author(s): Bharti Ali | Posted on: Apr 24, 2018 | Views()