Published By: Centre for Development Studies | Published Date: November , 2015We analyse the evolution of the Indian economy over the past six
decades, particularly identifying structural breaks. We find that usually
there has been a gradual change in the indicators of the economy .The
growth rate of per capita GDP after falling in the decade mid 60s to mid
70s has been accelerating gradually since then. Since 1991 exports
have played an important role in this growth. The various crises and the
measures taken to tackle them have not disturbed this evolution, except
the policy changes ushered from 1991. The structural breaks we identify
do not usually coincide with these crises. The structural breaks suggest
certain patterns which are investigated using VAR estimations.
Author(s): Manmohan Agarwal, Sunandan Ghosh | Posted on: Apr 09, 2018 | Views() | Download (870)