An Analysis of Nepal’s Transit through India
Published By: ICRIER | Published Date: March , 2016Nepal, a landlocked country, relies on transit access from neighbouring countries to
participate in international trade. For Nepal, the nearest sea-port is that of Kolkata in India
and the transit arrangements between the two countries are governed by two main legal
instruments: India-Nepal Treaty of Trade and Transit and the India-Nepal Rail Services
Agreement. However, there are a large number of inadequacies in the prevailing India-Nepal
transit treaty encompassing issues with regard to documentation requirements, transhipment
procedures, sensitive items, arbitrary bank guarantees, and poor infrastructure
The study undertakes a detailed review of the transit treaties and the existing procedures with
a view to identifying documentation and procedural impediments, infrastructure constraints
and other non-physical barriers. In particular the current transhipment modality has been
examined and bottlenecks related to the procedure have been identified. The relevance of
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) has also been discussed in the context of Nepal’s
transit. Recommendations for improving transit by road and rail have been made to
streamline India-Nepal transit and revise the prevailing treaties as per international standards.
Author(s): Isha Dayal, Nisha Taneja, Samridhi Bimal | Posted on: Mar 28, 2018 | Views() | Download (170)