Trade, Financial Flows and Stock Market Interdependence: Evidence from Asian Markets
Published By: Madras School of Economics | Published Date: February , 2017Liberalization and globalization of Newly Industrialized Economies have
contributed to increased integration of capital markets. This study tests
whether convergence of macroeconomic variables and enhanced bilateral
trade and financial flows causes greater interdependence of markets.
Daily closing indices and quarterly differentials in interest, inflation,
growth rates, exchange rates, trade of goods and services, direct and
portfolio investment were used. Results revealed that markets of Asia are
not immune to shocks originating in US although co-movements of
macroeconomic variables do not help in explaining level of
interdependence. Portfolio flows were found to be important than trade
flows in explaining market interdependence
Author(s): M.Suresh Babu, Arun Gopalaswamy, Sowmya Dhanaraj | Posted on: Feb 27, 2018 | Views() | Download (128)