The New Mumbai: Defining Systemic Reforms for the Governance of Mumbai City and Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Published By: Lok Satta on eSS | Published Date: September, 30 , 2007The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution of India were made with an
express objective or purpose of restoring power back to people by legally
encouraging “local self-governance”. At the same time, it also wanted the
people to become responsible for the use or non-use of power. People cannot
just have power without responsibility. What happened? The Rural areas
benefited, and the Urban population, which prides itself on its modernism and
development and smartness, were worst off. The real benefits of 74th
Amendment never reached the Urban areas. How can this be changed? How can the provisions of these bill be effectualised? A background to the need to pass the Nagar Raj Bill.
Author(s): A.K. Shende | Posted on: Oct 08, 2007 | Views(2741) | Download (762)