Published By: Centre for Economic and Social StudiesThis study is a part of Indo-US bilateral JCERDC project for Development of Sustainable Advanced Ligno-cellulosic Biofuels Systems (SALBS). We profusely thank our Director, Prof. S. Galab for his constant support to the project. Thanks are due to Prof. G. Pakki Reddy, Founder and Executive Director of Agri Biotech Foundation for giving constructive comments and suggestions for this study. The authors also wish to acknowledge the constant guidance provided by JCERDC US partners, Janaki
Alavalapati, Professor and Head, Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, VirginiaTech University and Dr. Pankaj Lal, Montclair State University at every point of this work. We wish to acknowledge the encouragement by IUSSF, research staff, New Delhi. Thanks are also due to Prof. Ahmed Kamal (IICT) Consortium
chief and other partners for their support. We also thank the faculty members CESS and support staff and the libraries of CESS and University of Hyderabad for giving access to various journals and data sources.
Author(s): M. Gopinath Reddy, B. Suresh Reddy, Steven Raj Padakandla | Posted on: Oct 27, 2017 | Views() | Download (131)