India-Singapore CECA An Appraisal
Published By: Research and Information System for Developing Cou | Published Date: January, 01 , 2017The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between India and Singapore came into effect on 1st August 2005. It was the first such comprehensive FTA signed by India with any country covering trade in goods, trade in services and investment. This study seeks to appraise
the progress in the implementation of CECA at a time when the second review of the agreement which began in 2010 still remainsinconclusive.
The study maps out the trend in India’s bilateral merchandise exports which showed an upward climb in the initial years after CECA but which has in recent years declined. Sector and product level analysis brings out the competition at play from other trading nations. Since Singapore
has zero MFN duties for practically all the goods, tariffs play no part in the
competition. Significant efforts will be needed by Indian exporters to stabilise and strengthen export prospects in potential areas that have been outlined in the study. Promoting an environment that will help
India to acquire a greater role in supply chain arrangements in the Asia Pacific region will also be important.
Author(s): V. S. Seshadri | Posted on: Aug 24, 2017 | Views() | Download (150)