Reversing Pre-mature Deindustrialization for Jobs Creation: Lessons for ‘Make-in-India’ from Experiences of Industrialized and East Asian Countries
Published By: Research and Information System for Developing Cou | Published Date: January , 2017This paper presents new evidence on pre-mature deindustrialization
being witnessed by India in terms of rising share of imports in final consumption.
Given the compulsions of creation of jobs for 12 million who join the workforce
every year, the paper finds Make-in-India as a timely initiative needed to
harness the direct and indirect job-creating potential of manufacturing. It then
reviews lessons from the experiences of industrialized and East Asian countries
in building industrial capacities through strategic interventions that may be
relevant for India as it seeks to build its manufacturing sector
Author(s): Nagesh Kumar | Posted on: Aug 03, 2017 | Views() | Download (103)