Corporate Social Responsibility and Children's Rights in South Asia

Published By: Save the Children on eSS | Published Date: September, 05 , 2007

Examples of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives within the context of children's issues in India, Nepal and Bangladesh are given. The mapping highlights that children's issues often do not get sufficient consideration in the corporate agenda. Moreover, most of the CSR initiatives that do target children often follow the welfare approach. The programmes seldom involve children as social actors and partners in their own development. For Save the Children Sweden, the mapping helps explore how we can work together with the corporate sector to generate interest in this area and strengthen Child Rights Programming (CRP) approach in the CSR work targeting children in South Asia. [Save the Children].

Author(s): Girish Godbole | Posted on: Sep 05, 2007 | Views(2267) | Download (116)

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