Building BRICS in Goa
Published By: Al-Jazeera | Published Date: October, 16 , 2016Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa form the bloc of emerging
economies, but is it still relevant? For several years now, the most talked-about trend in the global economy has been the rise of developing markets. Some economists expected Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to lead the world to new economic heights. But as the BRICS bloc met for its 8th summit in India's state of Goa, those hopes appeared to be fading.
Most of the countries involved are struggling to deal with slowing
economies. They must find ways to forge closer business and trade ties. But there are other concerns to be addressed too, national security and the threat posed by terrorism.
Author(s): Al Jazeera . | Posted on: Oct 25, 2016 | Views()