Productivity Dynamics in India's Service Sector: An Industry-Level Perspective
Published By: Centre for Development Economics, CDE on eSS | Published Date: October , 2016The rapid rise of service sector in India, as in its developing counterparts in Asia, follows the pattern of skipped
industrialization and raises concern for sustaining economic growth in India. While the share of services in
India’s GDP has risen over much of the post-independence period, the economic liberalization in the 1990s
paved the way for the emergence of service sector as a key player in India’s growth story. The present paper
examines the productivity dynamics in service sector at detailed industry level—the India KLEMS (K = capital,
L = labor, E = energy, M = materials, and S = services) panel dataset version 2015. [Working Paper No. 261].
Author(s): K L Krishna, Deb Kusum Das, Abdul Azeez Erumban, Suresh Aggarwal, Pilu Chandra Das | Posted on: Oct 10, 2016 | Views() | Download (666)