Women's Work, Maternity and Public Policy - Complete Report

Published By: Tata Institute of Social Sciences | Published Date: March, 01 , 2013

Women as bearers and nurturers of children provide the foundation for generating future citizens for the country and labourers for the economy. In addition to reproductive or care work, women also contribute as workers to the nation’s gross national product. In the labour market, women’s reproductive role constrains their full participation and also acts as a basis of gender discrimination. Maternity Benefit is a tool that mainly enables women to participate in the labour force even while pregnant and provides employment protection and compensation for loss of wages while on maternity leave. In India, poverty and vulnerability provide additional arguments for state provision of social security including maternity protection and childcare. The Indian state is bound to the provision of Maternity Benefit not only by the Constitution but also by being a signatory of the ILO Convention 1919. This report on women’s work, maternity protection and policy in India aims to provide a critical overview and assessment of the adequacy and efficacy of existing arrangements for Maternity Benefit in India; to highlight the knowledge gaps, lessons and best practices; and give recommendations for legislative and operational improvement

Author(s): Aruna Kanchi, Lakshmi Lingam | Posted on: Aug 12, 2016 | Views()

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