Ninety-Fourth Report on Demands for Grants 2016-17 (Demand No. 43) of the Department of Health Research
Published By: Rajya Sabha on eSS | Published Date: April , 2016The aim of the Department of Health Research (DHR) is to bring modern health technologies to the people
through research and innovations related to diagnosis, treatment methods and
vaccines for prevention; to translate them into products and processes and, in
synergy with concerned organizations introduce these innovations into public health
system. The Committee has been informed that for the Twelfth Plan outlay of
Rs.10,029/- crores was approved for the Department, out of which about
Rs.7872.00 crores has been earmarked for the schemes/programmes during the 12th Plan Period.
Author(s): Rajya Sabha Secretariat | Posted on: May 05, 2016 | Views() | Download (504)