Trade Policy and Urban-Rural Inequalities In LDCS: A Simulation Experiment With A New Economic Geography Model
Published By: DSA on eSS | Published Date: September, 13 , 2003This paper follows the new economic geography approach to model the relationships
between trade policy and spatial agglomeration of production in the context of a small open
developing economy. It constructs a general equilibrium model with interactions between
centripetal forces and centrifugal forces that determine linkages between urban and rural
regions. Centripetal forces such as labour migration, increasing returns, and transport costs
tend to concentrate economic activities and population in the urban region. This causes the
inequality between urban and rural areas to increase. On the other hand, centrifugal forces
such as congestion and urban land rents favour dispersion of firms and workers. This favours
a balanced urban system that is conducive for rural development. The authors concentrate on
explaining how trade policy affects the interactions between these forces by implementing
the theoretical model through numerical simulations.[Paper presented at International Conference on Globalisation and Development].
Author(s): Ayele Gelan | Posted on: Jul 13, 2007 | Views(2735) | Download (1153)