Transnational Economic Order and National Economic Institutions Comparative Capitalism Meets International Political Economy
Published By: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies | Published Date: April, 01 , 2011Even after two decades of research on globalization, we still face open questions about the interplay between national capitalist institutions and transnational economic governance. How does embeddedness into transnational institutions influence national capitalist orders? How do national capitalist patterns influence transnational economic governance? The central suggestion of this paper is that the traditional divide between Comparative and International Political Economy has to be overcome in order to address these questions in a more thorough way. More specifically, it calls for combining Comparative Capitalism with institutionalist approaches within International Political Economy. The paper illustrates the mutually complementary character of both perspectives by looking at selected empirical examples.
Author(s): Andreas Nölke | Posted on: Mar 08, 2016 | Views()