Women and the RSS

Published By: eSS, Mumbai, India | Published Date: January , 2014

Bound together by fraternal ties, the RSS and the various members of the Parivar share all pervasive ideas of ‘female virtue’ and the ideal of ‘Hindu family’ that serves to push aside a more comprehensive understanding of the multiplicity of women’s lives, power relations and sexual aggression within families.

Author(s): Namrata Ganneri | Posted on: Jan 25, 2014 | Views(6416) | Download (1226)

Member comments

Though,in history,there were some example of matriarchal system in family..how come they disappeared or became marginalised,across globe? Even a matriarchal society has also patriarchal virtues.Perhaps,we need to analyse how 'power' and 'power relation' works, in a family, relationship, religion and organisation development.
by kumar ratan, on Jan 26, 2014
very good piece of writing by Namrata.Indeed,family as an organisation,is inherently patriarchal.Religion and religious organisations do support these patriarchal institutions and RSS is one of them.I wonder,how come this is true for each and every society,across the globe,in all continents!
by kumar ratan, on Jan 26, 2014

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