Working of Livestock Exchange Markets in Rajasthan

Published By: Agmarknet on eSS | Published Date: May, 15 , 2012

Livestock sector is an integral part of India’s agriculture and an important part of the whole economy with reference to employment, income and earning of foreign exchange for the country. The growth of dairy industry with the milk production increasing to more than treble in the last few decades has been commendable achievement and well recognized. Inspite of scientific and technological advancement in mechanical farming large number of agricultural operations continue to depend on bullocks and buffaloes for draught power and dung for organic manure and fuel, supporting the farming community having small and marginal land holdings. The Government policies helped establishment of regulated markets, development of market yards and created infrastructure to facilitate marketing of agricultural produce, but could not give adequate attention towards development of livestock markets. India has enormous cattle wealth but could not explore export markets to match with its production potential. The export was mainly in live animals, meat and meat products, milk, eggs and few byproducts. However, with the signing of GATT agreement through WTO, India is offered with an opportunity to make its presence felt in international trade. [Agmarknet Research Studies]. URL:[].

Author(s): Ministry of Agriculture GOI | Posted on: Mar 01, 2012 | Views(1204) | Download (1323)

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