Understanding the ADR premium under market segmentation

Published By: NIPFP | Published Date: July, 29 , 2010

Capital controls can induce large and persistent deviations from the Law of One Price for cross-listed stocks in international capital markets. A considerable literature has explored rm-speci c factors which in uence ADR pricing when LOP is violated. In this paper, we examine the interlinkages between Indian ADR premiums and macroe- conomic time-series. We construct an ADR premium index, whereby diversi cation across rms diminishes idiosyncratic uctuations asso- ciated with each security. We nd that the S&P 500 index and the domestic Nifty index in uence the ADR Premium Index. Positive shocks to the ADR premium index precede higher purchases by for- eign investors on the domestic market, and precede positive returns on the domestic index. [Working Paper No. 2010-71]

Author(s): Ajay Shah, Ila Patnaik, Matthieu Stigler | Posted on: Sep 09, 2010 | Views(1280) | Download (692)

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