Youth Labour Markets in Europe and Central Asia

Published By: IZA on eSS | Published Date: July, 05 , 2010

This paper looks at developments in and around the transition of young people from education to work in the ECA region in recent years. The purpose of the paper is to aid understanding of the current situation and to suggest areas where action is most needed and is likely to be most effective. The first section considers developments in the general economic context of relevance to young people. Section 2 goes onto consider the current situation of (and trends in) factors affecting young people’s entry into work. Section 3 assesses policies affecting youth employment and unemployment and section concludes identifying key issues and areas where action is needed and where it is likely to be effective. [IZA DP No. 5094]

Author(s): Niall O’Higgins | Posted on: Aug 05, 2010 | Views(1352) | Download (666)

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