Urban Governance and Finance in India
Published By: NIPFP on eSS | Published Date: April, 21 , 2010Over 330 million people live in India’s cities; 35 cities have a population of over a
million and three (Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata) of the 10 largest metropolises in the world
are in India. India’s cities are large, economically important, and growing. However,
neither urban infrastructure nor the level of urban public services is adequate for current
needs, let alone to meet growing demands. This paper
attempts to point the way towards some possible solutions by analysing urban
governance and finance in India in the context of lessons drawn from fiscal federalism
theory and experiences of governance institutions and financing systems both in India
and around the world. [NIPFP WP No. 68].
Author(s): Richard.M. Bird, M. Govinda Rao | Posted on: May 21, 2010 | Views(1887) | Download (880)