Shariat Courts and Women’s Rights in India
Published By: CWDS on eSS | Published Date: November, 05 , 2007The main thrust of this paper is: Why should women go to these courts to
settle matrimonial disputes while there are provisions for them in secular
courts? Do women face less harassment and get quick justice according to
Islamic law by approaching these courts? Who are the women who approach
these courts? Should the mode of justice not it be left to the women to
decide? Who would guarantee the efficacy of Darul Qazas, the quality of
the presiding judges, the efficiency of the proceedings? Can the Board be
allowed to take away the right of Indian Muslim women to knock on the
doors of Indian courts? Does the Board have the authority to restrict Indian
women’s access to the courts for justice? The paper is based on the
experiences of 20 women who went to these courts for Khula, fask-e-nikah,
and the settlement of maintenance, mehr, and the articles given at the time
of marriage. [CWDS]
Author(s): Sabiha Hussain | Posted on: Nov 05, 2009 | Views(1635) | Download (756)