Food Prices and Child Nutrition in Andhra Pradesh

Published By: CESS on eSS | Published Date: May, 01 , 2013

This paper makes an attempt to assess the impact of food price rise on the nutritional status of children of five year old. Young lives panel data provides the nutritional status of the children when they were one year old and when they have grown five year old. This provides an opportunity to use the nutritional status of children when they were one year old as a control variable while assessing the determinants of the nutritional status of the same children when they grow five year old. Studies of this nature are conspicuously absent in Andhra Pradesh. [CESS Working Paper No. 125].

Author(s): S. Galab, P. Prudhvikar Reddy | Posted on: Mar 27, 2014 | Views(926) | Download (913)

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