Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India

Published By: PRS Legislative Research | Published Date: November, 17 , 2006

In 2006 Sachar Committee prepared a report on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community in India. The Indian Constitution is committed to the equality of citizens and the responsibility of the State to preserve, protect and assure the rights of minorities in matters of language, religion and culture. Since Independence, India has achieved significant growth and development in every aspect. It was also been successful in reducing poverty and improving crucial human development indicators such as levels of literacy, education and health. Muslims are the largest minority community in the country, constituting 13.4 per cent of the population; are seriously lagging behind in terms of most of the human development indicators. While the perception of deprivation is widespread among Muslims, there has been no systematic effort since Independence to analyze the condition of religious minorities in the country. Despite the need to analyze the socio-economic and educational conditions of different SRCs, until recently appropriate data for such an analysis was not generated by Government agencies. It has come-up with this report with suggestions and solutions to include and mainstream Indian Muslims and forward some recommendations to eliminate the situation rose for Indian Muslim.

Author(s): Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI | Posted on: Feb 20, 2014 | Views(674) | Download (183)

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