Consumer Confidence in Financial Markets

Published By: BB on eSS | Published Date: March, 02 , 2006

This paper makes an attempt to identify major factors, like currency forfeiting, loan default, capital shortfall, capital flight, etc which undermine consumer confidence in the financial services sector of Bangladesh. The paper also provides a review of different legislative and regulatory measures introduced by the authorities over the past years to strengthen consumer confidence in the financial markets, such as enhancing the security features of currency notes, deposit insurance, capital adequacy requirement, loan classification and provisioning, credit rating for raising capital and putting in place a mechanism for prevention of money laundering. [BB WP No. 0606].

Author(s): Md. Kabir Ahmed Chowdhury, G.M. Abul Kalam Azad | Posted on: Dec 02, 2010 | Views(951) | Download (811)

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