This paper examines critically the awards of the recent Finance Commissions (FCs) in the specific context of the ongoing work of the Thirteenth Finance Commission (13FC).
On 28 Feb 2018 The paper argues that the Thirteenth Finance Commission has got to find its own track if it does not want to remain as a pale shadow of its constitutional self. It should ignore those terms of referen...
On 28 Feb 2018 The study notes that continued appreciation of the rupee can weaken the competitive advantage of NRMs in the labour markets abroad. It can reinforce the already existing trend of decline in emigration...
On 27 Feb 2018 The paper finds that the share of education in the State’s budget has reached an all-time low precisely when the State Domestic Product has been recording all-time high growth rates.
On 16 Feb 2018 The paper takes a look at the past record of vertical transfers viz., transfers from the Centre to the States as a whole.
On 16 Feb 2018 The paper says that this pattern of financing fiscal deficit is reflected in the changing composition of Kerala’s public debt.
On 15 Feb 2018 The paper examines the trends in the financing of secondary education in Kerala with particular reference to the Grants in Aid policies of the State Government.
On 15 Feb 2018 This paper has introduced instability in the budgets and has added to the burden of public debt.
On 15 Feb 2018 The paper says that the development experience of Kerala tucked away in the south-western corner of the Indian sub-continent has been rather unique.
On 14 Feb 2018 Kerala's achievements in the field of education - near total literacy, free and universal primary education,
low drop out rate at the school level, easy access to educational institutions, gender eq...
On 18 Sep 2014 The question that is increasingly being posed is whether Kerala's education can continue to play a major role in the future without keeping up with the vast changes taking place in all disciplines. It...
On 25 Apr 2013 An attempt has been made to understand the paradoxes of Kerala's development like the state's per capita consumer expenditure is more than
the per capita state domestic product. But the nutritional i...
On 18 Dec 2012