The anxiety that technology will displace jobs on a large scale in
the near future is flooding both academic and public debates, primarily
in the developed world. The recent publication of a study b...
On 04 Apr 2018 The study shows that the operational stock of industrial robots in manufacturing industry has been showing a systematic increase with the density of robots in the manufacturing sector increasing from...
On 10 Jan 2018 The paper analyses the changing leadership in Computer and
Information Services (CIS). Leadership is measured in terms of export
shares. The leadership appears to have changed from United States of
On 10 Oct 2013 Enrolments in engineering in Kerala increased from about 2800 in 1991 to about 28,000 in 2008. The study analyses whether this increase in potential supply of engineers has resulted in actual supply o...
On 25 Apr 2012 China and India are definitely on a higher economic growth path,
although the contribution of technology to economic growth is still not
very clearly estimated. There is evidence to show that innova...
On 21 Jun 2011 The paper is an analysis of the growth in services leading to the emergence of a manufacturing industry. Although the industry is dominated by MNCs, domestic firms have started making an entry into do...
On 07 Jun 2011 In recent years perhaps in a un-precendented fashion development relating to India's external sector have captured the undivided attention of domestic as well as foreign observers. In India considerab...
On 03 Jun 2011 The role of the state in industrialisation is a much discussed topic these days. Specifically this role has witnessed itself in the form of direct intervention by the states through owning the means...
On 01 Oct 2010 India is one among the few developing countries that have sought
to establish an aerospace industry. The industry has two components,
namely aeronautical and astronautic. The sectoral system
of inn...
On 30 Apr 2010 The purpose of the paper is first to quantify the extent of high
skilled migration from India and then to distil out two of its economic
implications to her home economy. [WP 416].
On 17 Dec 2009 There is a strong feeling among especially the West that India is
becoming very innovative. The study will take the reader through the
empirical evidence on whether this is indeed the case since the...
On 03 Dec 2009 The paper takes a critical look at the available
quantitative evidence on the growth of knowledge-intensive
entrepreneurship. It then looks at five facilitating factors for the
emergence of this ph...
On 12 Mar 2009 The paper undertakes a detailed mapping out of the sectoral system of innovation of India's pharmaceutical industry. The industry is one of the most innovative industries in the Indian manufacturing s...
On 15 Jun 2008 A distinguishing aspect of the growth performance is that India now has five mobile phones for every one fixed telephone and the monthly additions to mobile subscribers are well over six million. Such...
On 26 Nov 2007 China and India have one of the largest telecommunications equipment markets in the world. The paper employs a sectoral system of innovation framework towards understanding the differential outcomes i...
On 19 Dec 2006 Korea is one of the four from the developing world to have built
up substantial innovation capability in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art telecommunications equipments. The paper undert...
On 19 Dec 2006 The paper focuses on the response strategies of public research
systems in various advanced developing countries (Brazil, India and
Korea) to specific challenges paused by increasing integration of...
On 19 Dec 2006