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UNESCO education leaders on the stage of the UN Charter signing of 1945

UNESCO education leaders recently took to the stage at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco, in the United States, the historic site of the 1945 signing of the United Nations Charter.

The UNESCO officials were part of the Keynote Lecture of the 63rd annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), held from 14-18 April 2019 with the theme education for sustainability.

The event was not just a salute to the past and the distinguished history of the Herbst Theater, it was also an opportunity to get insights on how UNESCO is supporting countries in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a universal agenda of 17 goals to eradicate poverty, inequality, and injustice while tackling climate change and environmental protection by 2030.

Moderated by Aaron Benavot, previous Director of UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report, the panel featured Suzanne Grant Lewis, Director of the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, Jordan Naidoo, Director of Division for Education 2030 Support and Coordination​ at UNESCO, and Claudia Uribe Salazar, Director of the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago).

The panellists, each representing headquarters, a regional office and an Institute, demonstrated how UNESCO is contributing to the SDGs - notably the fourth goal for education - and promoting human rights. They also spoke of the organization’s relevance in the face of persistent and new global challenges.


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Posted on : Apr 24, 2019