Factor Employment, Sources and Sustainability of Output Growth: Analysis of Indian Manufacturing
Published By: Finance Ministry on eSS | Published Date: April, 09 , 2009The manufacturing sector in India is crucial for two main reasons: It has significant potential to provide modern
employment to a growing labour force, especially that of less skilled type and second by its own healthy growth,
stimulate and provide a foundation for, organic growth in other sectors of the economy. On both these counts,
however, the manufacturing sector has so far not performed to its potential. In an attempt to identify the factors
responsible for this phenomenon, the present study examines in detail the main determinants of factor employment,
their shares, and output growth. The framework used is a CES production function estimated using ASI time-series
data for the organised manufacturing industry spanning a period from 1973/74 to 2001/02. The study also dwells on
the subject of sustainability of high growth in output on the back of raising capital labour ratio. [Working Paper No.3 /2009-DEA].
Author(s): Arvind Virmani, Danish A. Hashim | Posted on: Feb 09, 2010 | Views(1782) | Download (844)