Well-being and Public Attitudes in Afghanistan: Some Insights from the Economics of Happiness
Published By: The Brookings Institution | Published Date: May, 01 , 2009Afghanistan is a context where individuals have to cope with the most adverse of circumstances. In this paper, we use the tools provided by a new approach in economics, which relies on surveys of happiness or reported well-being, to deepen our understanding of the situation there. These tools also provide a window into public attitudes, ranging from opinions about democracy and political freedom, to trust in others and in public institutions, to concerns about crime and corruption. The paper is written with the objective of bringing new insights to bear on a complex situation; neither author claims to be an expert on the economics or politics of Afghanistan. The details of the situation there have been addressed comprehensively elsewhere, including by some of our Brookings colleagues.
Author(s): Soumya Chattopadhyay, Carol Graham | Posted on: Feb 16, 2016 | Views()