China and Myanmar: Strategic Interests, Strategies and the Road Ahead
Published By: Insitute of Peace and Conflict Studies | Published Date: September, 01 , 2010This research paper is divided into two parts to provide a more complete view of how both countries think in term of their ambitions and the methods they deem important to achieve them. This paper argues that firstly, China will seek to increase its influence in the region for the
exploitation of Myanmar’s natural resources. To achieve its goal, it will outbid all other players by paying a higher price for these goods, engage in the construction of necessary infrastructure at its own cost, provide financial support to uphold the Junta as also a political umbrella in the
international community. The possible obstacles to China’s ambitions include border instability, growing resentment against the local Chinese population in Myanmar, a weak Myanmarese government, and stronger international pressure that could tarnish China’s reputation and
consequently, affect its economic trade. This paper will demonstrate that China’s strategic goal is to become a superpower in the 21st century, but that it will have to face several obstacles to reach this goal.
Author(s): Billy Tea | Posted on: Dec 17, 2015 | Views()