Deliberating Public Spheres: How does Net Neutrality Enable Democracy?
Published By: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses | Published Date: January, 01 , 2009This study reviews and re-conceptualizes the ideas of democracy and the public sphere through the receptive medium of the Internet. Through exploring the transformational concept of the public sphere and renewing this alternative site of communication among citizens, modern public spheres emerge as influential areas. The idea of digital democracy is an engaging and informing of society in applying their existence through the Internet. This is complicated by the issue of Net Neutrality, which is investigated through the question of the fate of communications policy regarding the structure and function of the Internet. The practice of Net Neutrality supports the non-commercialized, unregulated nature of freedom that exists through the liberalizing potential of multiple public spheres. This study serves as a call in support of Net Neutrality in the hopes of promoting a better, realistic approach to deliberating ideas with in a society.
Author(s): Jonathan Cunha | Posted on: Apr 15, 2015 | Views()