Local Knowledge and Agricultural Sustainability: A Case Study of Pradhan Tribe in Adilabad District
Published By: CESS on eSS | Published Date: January, 25 , 2010The paper presents some empirical data from the Pradhan Tribe of Andhra
Pradesh which highlights the community's indigenous agricultural knowledge and the
changes over time. These custodians of indigenous knowledge and world view practices
play a very important role in agricultural development. The study was conducted in the year 2008 at different times. The Pradhans are still
subsistence farmers, who primarily depend on agriculture. Subsistence economy and
food security of the Pradhans depends mainly on cultivation in the fields and kitchen
gardens. [Working Paper No. 81]. URL:[http://www.cess.ac.in/cesshome/wp/WP_81.pdf]
Author(s): Anil Kumar K | Posted on: Apr 25, 2011 | Views(1222) | Download (882)