R & D Sector Outsourcing, Human Capital Formation and Growth in the Context of Developed versus Developing Economies

Published By: Centre for International Trade and Development - J | Published Date: July, 01 , 2015

This paper theoretically examines the impact of R & D outsourcing from an economy which is in the innovation-only regime to an economy which is in the imitation-innovation regime. It shows that dependence on the imitation activities rises and as a consequence of which proportion of skilled human capital falls and both skilled and unskilled human capital shift away from the innovation to the imitation activities in the backward economy. This also leads to a higher wage rate of both skilled and unskilled human capital in the backward economy. As a result proportion of outsourcing from advanced economy to backward economy falls. However, growth rate of the backward economy initially rises and eventually declines as time progresses. In the long run backward economy will get into a low equilibrium trap and gap from the world technology frontier widens.

Author(s): Sujata Basu | Posted on: Mar 15, 2016 | Views() | Download (135)

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