The New ‘MASVAW Men’: Strategies, Dynamics and Deepening Engagements. A Case Study of a Networked Approach to Challenging Patriarchy Across Institutions in Uttar Pradesh
Published By: Institute of Development Studies | Published Date: August, 01 , 2015Uttar Pradesh is ranked second among Indian states in ‘crimes against women’, which includes rape, abduction, dowry-related deaths, mental and physical torture and sexual harassment (Government of Uttar Pradesh 2006: 130). The majority of such crimes against women are committed by family members, but this gendered violence and inequality also permeates the broader economy, systems and structures that govern everyday life. During the past 10–15 years, the issue of gender equality has been raised by civil society and government, and there have been some positive changes too. Yet, there is increasing fear among some men about decreasing opportunities as a result of women’s empowerment, reflected in the evolution of ‘men’s rights’ organisations, with anti-feminist agendas. This case study sets out to document a collaborative process of analysis and exploration of the role of men and boys in addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) through collective action.
Author(s): Jerker Edström, Thea Shahrokh, Satish Kumar Singh | Posted on: Aug 25, 2015 | Views() | Download (769)