Objects and Accomplishments of Participatory Irrigation Management Programme in India: An Open Pair of Scissors
Published By: GIDR on eSS | Published Date: July, 19 , 2004Participatory irrigation management programme as a prelude to irrigation
management transfer to users is being set up by many states for over five
years now. Though it is recognized that the government should no longer
be in the business of retailing water to individual consumer, the PIM policy
or Acts in India as an instrument lacks the sharpness to catalyze farmer
management as a cutting edge to irrigation sector reforms. The objectives of the reform measure and the actual
achievement are in opposite directions so far. What measures are
required to close the gap between goals and practices are the central
concern of the present analysis. [Working Paper No.146]. URL: [http://www.gidr.ac.in/pdf/WP-146.pdf].
Author(s): R Parthasarathy | Posted on: Aug 25, 2011 | Views(862) | Download (1043)