Revisiting the ARI Programme of BRAC: How Well are We Doing?
Published By: BRAC on eSS | Published Date: June, 28 , 2011The ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) control programme of BRAC has been in
operation for the last few years. No independent evaluation has so far been
conducted to explore how far the objectives of the programme have been achieved
in terms of raising awareness among the health workers and community people,
especially mother/caregivers about ARI, increasing capacity of health workers in
managing ARI cases in the community, and changing health-seeking behaviour of
mothers for appropriate and quick treatment. This is a cross-sectional populationbased
study comparing groups with or without ARI programmes. The study was
conducted in 30 upazilas where BRAC ARI control programme is being implemented
since 2007. In addition, 10 upazilas were selected from adjacent programme areas to
serve as control. The study included 2,800 mothers, 1,440 children with ARI
symptoms, and 238 community health workers who were actively involved in the
implementation of the ARI programme.
Author(s): Qazi Shafayetul Islam, Syed Masud Ahmed, Mohammad Nasir Uddin Khan | Posted on: Jul 28, 2011 | Views(779) | Download (962)