Education and Employment among Muslims in India: An Analysis of Patterns and Trends
Published By: IIMA on eSS | Published Date: September, 01 , 2012The paper reviews the
available evidence on the patterns of Muslim participation in education and
employment. Comparing the estimates derived from the most recent round of
the National Sample Survey for the year 2009-2010 with the earlier years
(1999-2000 and 2004-05), an effort is made to assess if these patterns have
changed in recent years. A preliminary analysis of the correlates of these
patterns suggests that these are quite complex and multi-dimensional.
Perceptions about discrimination interact with endowments, opportunities,
supply side conditions and attitudes to give rise to different patterns of
participation in employment and education. A different set of policy actions
may be required to ameliorate these conditions. [W.P. No. 2012-09-03]. URL:[].
Author(s): Rakesh Basant | Posted on: Sep 27, 2012 | Views(728) | Download (314)