Challenging Discrimination in Employment: A Summary of Research and a Typology of Measures
Published By: International Labour Organisation | Published Date: January, 01 , 2004The scope of this project was defined by the mandate of the ILO. It therefore focused on the employment relationship as it relates specifically to migrant and ethnic minority workers. The normative basis for this investigation is rooted in the three ILO Conventions. addressing equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in most aspects of employment, such as recruitment matters, contract conditions, vocational training, promotion at work, and job security. ILO has also established two Conventions covering the many issues affecting non-national migrant workers. These issues include entry procedures, alternative employment, freedom of movement, medical services, assistance on settling into the host society, participation in the cultural life of the state as well as the maintenance of their own culture, transfer of earnings and savings, family reunification and visits, termination of employment, expulsion and assistance in coping with return to the home country. These conventions have become binding upon member States upon ratification.
Author(s): I. McClure, R. Zegers de Beijl, P. Taran | Posted on: Nov 28, 2016 | Views()