Righting the Wrong Strengthening Local Humanitarian Leadership to Save Lives and Strengthen Communities
Published By: Oxfam America | Published Date: 2016The international humanitarian system—the vast UN-led network in which Oxfam and other international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and others play key roles—is not saving as many lives as it could because of deep design flaws that perpetuate an unsustainable
reliance by aid recipients on international donors. How do we right this wrong? By shifting more power, resources, and responsibility from the international actors—UN agencies, wealthy donor countries, large INGOs, and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement—to local actors, including Red Cross/Red Crescent local chapters, national governments, national NGOs, local NGOs,
community-based groups, and other civil society organizations.
Author(s): Oxfam India | Posted on: Jun 02, 2016 | Views()