Diplomacy Facing the Revolution of “Transparent Society” and “Risk Society” WikiLeaks: international and regional ramifications

Published By: Arab Center For Research & Policy Studies | Published Date: September, 27 , 2011

Contrary to the assumption that the leaks of the diplomatic cables represented a heavy and unexpected pressure on American diplomacy - through their exposition of a mode of operation based on hypocrisy and duplicity – this paper tries to prove that the leaks, in fact, signify greater challenges and pressures to the states of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), as in all the countries that witnessed a popular revolt, Internet played an informing, mobilizing and organizing role. It shows that the publication of secret documents may have more of an effect on regional relations within the Middle East than on bilateral relations between the countries of this region and the United States, with information contained in the documents likely to prompt some states to reassess their relations with others in the region.

Author(s): Hichem Al-Karoui | Posted on: Feb 03, 2016 | Views() | Download (194)

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