Green Skills for Rural Youth in South East Asia

Published By: Plan International- Asia | Published Date: January, 01 , 2014

The impacts of climate change, including increasingly severe weather patterns, reach across every country and citizen worldwide, compelling nations to implement sustainable adaptation measures. In order to ensure the necessary ‘green transformation’ of market economies, it is essential that workers are skilled in environmentally friendly and adaptive practices. This research report has sought to identify the existing provision of green skills training in Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, and the sectors in which green skills gaps are likely to occur in the future. In each country, the existing provision of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Youth Economic Empowerment/Solutions (YEE/S) programmes were considered; the research also aimed to identify ways in which these programmes could be integrated to ensure that the knowledge and skills required for climate change adaptation (whether upskilling or seeking alternate livelihoods) were made accessible to the young people who need it most.

Author(s): Plan International | Posted on: Aug 24, 2015 | Views()

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