Employment and Earnings in Rural India: 2004-2012

Published By: Centre for Development Economics (CDE) on eSS | Published Date: December, 01 , 2015

This paper analyzes the changes in employment and earnings of paid workers in rural India from 2004/05 to 2011/12. While the employment rate of adults remained stable at 51 percent during this period, it increased for men and fell for women. Real earnings of wage earners increased at all percentiles, and the percentage increase was larger at the lower end. Consequently, earnings inequality declined. Unconditional quantile regressions reveal that education contributed positively to the increase in earnings, but it also increased inequality. Recentered Influence Function decompositions reveal that throughout the earnings distribution, except at the very top, both changes in ‘characteristics’ and in ‘returns to these characteristics’ tended to increase earnings, with changes in returns playing a bigger role. Decomposing inequality measures reveals that in spite of the change in characteristics having had an inequality increasing effect, inequality fell mainly because workers at lower deciles experienced a greater improvement in returns to their characteristics than those at the top.

Author(s): Shantanu Khanna, Deepti Goel, René Morissette | Posted on: Apr 04, 2016 | Views() | Download (543)

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